Sunday 14 January 2007

Not enough time in a day

Do you ever get the feeling that there is not enough time in the day? I am sure that most crafters feel this way. The greatest invention in the world would be an extra day in the week that you could choose to do exactly what you wanted, no work, except maybe to tidy out that cupboard you never get round to. There are many things that we all wish we could do with that time, far too many to list here. There is a part of me that realises that we would quickly fill up that extra day with mundane things just like the current 7 days. My main love is cross-stitch and in the past have made most of my cards using it and a few small gifts, I am finding that with a small child, a husband and a house to look after I don't have much extra time. I always have great intentions but as the deadline gets closer I start to panic and have to pull a few late nights, this has caused me to have a few ufo's (unfinished objects) around the house and for a few gifts to be received either unfinished (two pictures I made my husband) or a little late (my friend received a birth sampler in time for her son's 1st birthday instead of shortly after he was born as I had intended and his little brother's looks like it will go the same way whoops). This has caused me to look for other equally as fulfilling ways to make presents and cards which take a little less time to complete. This quest has directed me to the internet where I found a large selection of websites dedicated to papercraft. I was looking for a craft which required very little specialist equipment as I am on a tight budget and living in the Highlands of Scotland have little chance to obtain such supplies. Tea Bag folding caught my eye as it seemed to fit all my criteria. Using this technique I am currently making all my daughters thank you cards for her birthday and Christmas presents. I have included the site I found especially useful both for the papers and the instruction in my links and will post photos of the cards here when they are finished (hopefully by the end of this week). A friend of mine who also has small children has started an unfinished project night at our church once a month which will hopefully allow me to complete some of my ufo's.

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